Thursday, February 01, 2007

My Trip To America, Part I


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pic Rachel.

I guess your Dad forgot to tell you that America was taken over by Muslim extremists in November '06.

It is now illegal to display anything resembling the past of the Great Satan. Just how Stalin removed all images of Trotsky and the Soviets removed pictures of him after his own death, the following ARE NOT allowed to be displayed in the former land of the free and home of the brave:

1. The Statue of Liberty
2. The World Trade Center towers
3. Women not covered completely by a burqa or rocks covered in blood
4. Married heterosexual couples with children
5. Private secular schools
6. 3 gallon tank toilets
7. Any member of the armed forces not covered in spit with a "baby killer" sign aroung their neck
8. Christmas decorations during Christmas season. Menorah's too.
9. Women getting out of cars wearing underwear
10. Republicans

Your buddy Vince

4:24 AM  

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